Experience the world’s leading luxury spray tan with the EVOLV heated airbrush tan. Color ranges from "delicate glow" to "just-got-back-from-the-beach-tan" Additives such as 2 and 4 hour accelerator are available for an additional charge.


Heated spray tan with a vegan, non-comedogenic, natural skin conditioning botanical blend that includes: tea tree oil, grape seed oil, aloe vera, & green tea. With both DHA and erythrulose, tan will last 7+ days depending on after care and lifestyle. Ideally let the tan develop for 8-10 hours before rinsing off, sweating, or having contact with water. (Upgrade to 2 or 4 Hour accelerator if you'd like to rinse off sooner.): $50


Scent (Coconut Lime, Desert Bloom, or Tea Tree): Included

The natural oxidization that occurs during the spray tan process causes a slight stale smell on the skin.

Accelerator (in a time crunch? Add an Accelerator to speed up the process):

2 Hour: $10

4 Hour: $7

Evolv Heated Airbrush Tan*

prices are subject to change

*Women 18+ can wear anything they feel comfortable in from a bathing suit to nude. Women under 18 years old and men must wear undergarments/bathing suit. There are no exceptions.

(We provide women’s disposable thong underwear- one size)

(The FDA recommends against tanning nude)


  • Before Tan

    Shower, shave and exfoliate using a loofah/mitt: 24 hours before

    (Sulfate free soap / shampoo. Mainly natural and organic ingredients. No mineral oil, petroleum, petrolatum in your makeup or moisturizers. No Dove, Aveeno, Jergens, Palmers, etc- doesn’t mix with the tan. Avoid artificial fragrances and colors, the alcohol dries out the skin.)

    (Only shave what you would normally shave)

    Polished nails don't absorb tan, so paint nails/toenails: at least 24 hours before

    Massages/facial/spa treatments: at least 24 hours before

    Be aware of sun exposure: sun burn/peeling skin cannot be spray tanned

    Drink water, staying hydrated help keeps the skin hydrated

  • day of tan

    Remove/don't apply deodorant, perfume, makeup or lotion

    If you like to tan your face, come in with no face makeup on and your hair tied up out of your face.

    Remove jewelry or leave it at home, it will have to be taken off before your tan.

    Prep what you'll wear during tan: nude, swim suit, undergarments, etc.

    (women under 18/men must wear undergarments/shorts)

    (we provide women's disposable thong underwear- one size)

  • after tan

    Wear dark/loose clothing and sandals for at least 2 hours

    Don't get wet/sweat for at least 6-8 hours

    (8-10 hours is ideal)

    After development time rinse with lukewarm water, just your hands, and no soap

    No exfoliating until you want to get rid of the tan/before another spray tan.

    Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize: spray tan fades unevenly on dry skin and doesn’t stay as long

    Be careful if getting manicures/pedicures: have them avoid exfoliating/soaking



Saint Peter spray tan, microblading, lash extensions, lash lift, permanent makeup, spray tan, lip blushing, lash tint, microneedling, dermaplaning

Have questions about spray tanning?

We have answers.

  • You are the perfect candidate for spray tans! We recommend first-time tanners start with light so they know how their skin will react, then they can gradually go darker. Remember, darker tans are more obvious when they fade.

  • The barrier cream is applied thick to areas that you don’t want tanned at all, and very lightly to areas you only want to achieve a little color. We recommend applying barrier cream to your elbows, heels, knees, and fingernails/toenails. Your tanning technician will instruct you where to put the barrier cream at your appointment.

  • Evolv airbrush solution is one of the best smelling solutions around! There is hardly any smell at all. The smell is strongest just before you shower (as the DHA has fully developed). After you shower, you will not smell at all for the duration of your tan. Scent can be added to your Evolv airbrush solution, ask your tan technician for choices.

  • Nope! This is just the cosmetic bronzer that is added to the tan for your instant color results and so the technician can see the spray. It stays sticky for a little bit after the tan, and can be smudged when you put on fitted clothing. When you take your first shower, the bronzer (as well as the smudges) will all rinse away. We advise against putting on tight bra straps and tight clothes immediately after tanning, as this does tend to rub away at the tan.

  • We recommend waiting at least 8 hours for the tan to develop before getting wet. We also suggest that you shower before going for a swim so the cosmetic bronzer does not come off in the pool. Chlorine/salt water is harsh on your skin, and will make the tan fade faster and typically uneven. We suggest keeping swimming sessions short, and also moisturize generously before getting in.

  • If you are tanning for a special event, try to schedule 1 to 2 days prior to your event. If you are leaving for vacation, the day before you leave is best.

    Try to schedule your appointment after any hair removal appointments, massages, facials, nail treatments, or exercising.

    If you are not able to schedule a nail appointment before your tan, that is ok, just ask them skip feet soaking and scrubbing.

  • It is best to shower, shave and exfoliate 24 hours before you appointment. If you are coming in for an appointment right after work/during a break, please do not feel the need to go home and shower before coming in, as long as you exfoliated the night before or morning of your appointment. If you are coming in right after work/during a break, be aware it is best to remove makeup/deodorant/moisturizer before your appointment and to put on loose dark clothing after.

  • Women can wear anything you feel the most comfortable in. Anything you wear during your session will leave a line. Some women wear, bathing suit, disposable underwear, or nude.

    Women under 18 and Men, must wear a bathing suit or shorts/undergarments.

    (FDA recommends against tanning nude)

  • This is a great questions that comes up often. Depending on the type of tan line and the severity, will determine your outcome. An airbrush tan will definitely help to soften the lines, but you may be able to see your lines a bit after your tan is developed.

  • This is something very important to take into consideration before scheduling an appointment. If you are in the sun for too long during the days leading up to your appointment, and you start peeling after you have an airbrush tan, it can look worse. Please be very mindful of this before scheduling an appointment.

    we cannot be held responsible if this does happen, as your skin peeling due to previous sun exposure is not related to the results of your airbrush tan.

  • Nope! The spray tanning world has evolved so much that this is not something you should not be worried about! As trained professionals, we will help pick out the best formulation to fit your skin tone. Proper prepping and after care will also keep your tan looking as natural as possible.

  • No, we actually don’t recommend waiting longer than the 6-10 hour processing time to rinse off. (or 2-6 with an accelerator)

  • Congrats!

    We always recommend talking with your doctor before scheduling an appointment. Most doctors recommend waiting until you're out of your first trimester, and to wear a mask and underwear during your session.

  • Nope. Our solutions contain no sunscreen. You must still apply sunscreen with UV protection before prolonged exposure to sunlight.

  • Yep! You will still be able to achieve a “real” tan through your spray tan. Remember to wear sunscreen! If you choose to tan in a tanning bed on the same day that you spray tan, we recommend tanning in the tanning bed first, but be aware of sunburns.

    (We cannot tan over a sunburn due to peeling and dry skin. if you have a sunburn and would like us to spray over it we cannot be responsible for an uneven tan.)

  • Absolutely. DHA, the main ingredient that creates the color on your skin, is actually a sugar! It creates a similar reaction the browning that happens in food. It has been tested by the FDA and deemed safe for external use only. We will have you hold your breath and exhale for a short period of time while spraying your face to avoid any accidental inhalation. We also have exhaust vents for filtration in the room.

    Women who are pregnant or nursing should always consult their physician before receiving a spray tan.

  • Everybody’s skin reacts differently to the tanning solutions. Some people turn very brown, while others get a more golden glow. Our tans can be applied to achieve light, medium, or dark color and the base solution we use for our airbrush tans is chosen based on your particular skin pigment. We recommend starting lighter and working your way up to darker to achieve a more natural looking tan. People who spray tan regularly tend to get darker, as the skin naturally begins to react better to the product. You only need a few sessions to achieve this.

  • We do not recommend this approach. In fact, spray tanning over an existing spray tan can make you look blotchy, especially when the tan starts to fade. We recommend about five days between sessions and we recommend exfoliating your old tan off before receiving a new tan.

  • Depending on how well you exfoliate before the tan, and take care of your skin afterwards, the average spray tan lasts 7 days. Dry skin will not hold the tan as long, and will fade “unevenly.”

    For regular color, we recommend tanning once a week and exfoliating your old tan off the night before you come in.

  • We recommend waiting 8 - 10 hours before showering. Many clients prefer to tan in the evening so they can sleep with their tan and wake up freshly bronzed! The solution may come off on your sheets or clothing, but if you wash it soon after it should not stain. If you need to shower sooner, you may upgrade to one of our accelerators for $7-$10 and shower in as little as 2 hours.


